URotatek customer Update Prints (India) was recently awarded with the most 4 prestigious lmai awards in asia, all products printed in Rotatek BRAVA 450!
Update Prints is a specialised and pioneer label printing company in India, offering its products for the most quality demanding sectors as cosmetics labels, food, healthcare, oil, lubricants, beverages and FMCG packaging.
As Aditya Chadha, Marketing Director of the company comments: “In Update Printswe compete & supply world class Labels to various industries in India and in the world. Our Company’s logo is to meet or exceed the customer’s satisfaction to their utmost expectations. Our R & D department works very hard, to keep up with latest technologies & innovations. Our resources can closely meet customer demands, and continued with fast research and development; we offer consistent quality that receives high degree of customer’s satisfaction”
Update Prints has a strong partnership with Rotatek company for more than 20 years, with more than 4 machines in their new factory in Gurgaon. They have 3 ROTATEK EcoFlex UV flexo presses and the latest Semi-Rotary&Rotary combined Offset Brava 450.
The obtained LMAI awards are:
Winner- Offset Color and Process category
Runner Up- Offset Color and Process category
Winner- Offset Wine and Spirits category
Winner- Offset category
It is remarkable that all winner labels were printed on ROTATEK BRAVA 450! Our partner’s success is also our success!